
I could have killed him.  I could have busted his kidneys or broken his back.  Perhaps if I had been bigger or stronger I would have.  My anger took over and I had no control over it.  Luckily for me and especially for my little brother, I was at that time, a lanky and light 9 year old with budgie wings for arms. 


Anger can consume us and it is important to release it but preferably in healthy ways.  Knocking your brother to the ground and jumping up and down on his back is not one of the preferred methods.


We often are made to believe that anger is a negative emotion and not to show it, to be calm and contained instead.  Repressing emotions does not work.  They will fester and boil over and sometimes with tragic results.


Kinesiology, kinergetics, healing modalities can help release repressed emotions in a safe environment and also give tools and techniques to further express anger and other emotions in healthy ways.  We should be able to express all aspects of ourselves in ways that harm no one including ourselves.


Kinesiology sessions have helped me release my anger in a safe way and I like to think I have come along way since my 9 year old days but maybe don’t mess with me just incase…..especially if you have broken all my dolls or tied my favourite skipping rope around the old gum tree in the back yard.

“Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath” Eckhart Tolle


The Greatest Gift