The Greatest Gift

I believe the greatest gift we can give ourselves and our children is to heal.

Trauma, be it physical, mental or emotional is the cause of most human problems… Unresolved trauma is significant to a persons health and wellbeing. Epigenetics shows the original cause of trauma whether its in early childhood or linked to ancestral experiences in our family line has a powerful role in changing lives. It can influence every aspect of life including health, relationships, career and education…(Evette Rose).

When our lives are influenced and controlled by past trauma and negative experiences we are stuck in our issues, patterns, habits & wounds which are picked up by our children not only through copying but also genetically and energetically. When our habits and patterns change it automatically changes actions/reactions of those around us.

Ask yourself… do you want to live in a state of fight/flight, constantly responding to your environment based on past trauma or do you want to create change to be able to move forward being the real authentic you? Do you want to follow the same old patterns and thoughts, therefore creating the same experiences over and over, or do you want to manifest a different life. Do you want your children to be influenced by your negative past traumas or be free to be themselves and have different choices on how they experience life?

The first step is awareness of our patterns and then the willingness to do something about them. It may be uncomfortable but isn’t it worth it?

I see patterns in my grown children now that I know are my influence and wish I could turn back the clock and start my healing journey earlier, however it is never too late!

We each have the ability to heal, to change and to take control of our choices and behaviours. It can start by simply taking notes each time we notice a particular thought, pattern or habit. Some examples may be:

*Victim mentality - blaming others for things that go wrong

*Numbing with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, shopping, gaming or TV show bingeing

*Avoidance of confrontation

*People pleasing and putting our own needs aside

*Attracting the same toxic relationships

*Poor boundaries & trust issues


Everyone has the ability to self heal but in my experience finding great practitioners can be a massive help especially to deal with trauma as it can be trapped in our cellular memory and continually trigger, creating more traumas and negative patterns.

My dream is to empower as many people as possible to heal trauma so they can grow emotionally and spiritually in ways they never thought possible and pass that gift onto their children and loved ones.

To heal is a gift that keeps on giving. It truly is the greatest gift.

“The wound is not my fault, but the healing is my responsibility” Marianne Williamson




My Journey With Adoption